All Posts by IReid1978-Lw3

Laura is Presenting at the Congrès Tendances Fitness Conference November 3-4, 2018

Laura will be presenting at this bilingual Congrès Tendances Fitness convention in Laval, Quebec on November 3 and 4, 2018.

She will inspire and educate other fitness professionals and enthusiasts on how to optimally assist students in their yoga classes in:

  • Posture Assisting Techniques along with teaching a second workshop entitled From Chaos to Calm, 
  • Just Breathe to assist others to remain centered, to revitalize the body or deeply relax through various breathing techniques.

​For more information about the Congrès Tendances Fitness convention in Laval.

Laura is presenting at the ICAA Conference Long Beach California October 18-20, 2018

Laura is part of the presenting team for this year’s International Council on Active Aging® (ICAA) Conference and Trade show 2018 in Long Beach California October 18th to 20th, 2018 .

The conference explores the role of wellness today and how to integrate it into all elements of an organization as a culture, and the role of wellness as we age.

International Council on Active Aging® logo

​Her workshops to be presented include: Be Functionally Fit for Life and A pathway to Happiness

​About the International Council on Active Aging® Ignite Your Culture of Wellness Conference​​​

Laura is Presenting at the Distinctive Women IGNITE V Conference October 10-11, 2018

Laura will be presenting at the Distinctive Women IGNITE V conference in Mississauga, Ontario on October 10 and 11 of 2018. She will be a panelist for IGNITE your body.

Is your body in optimal condition and ready to perform everyday? Gain a greater understanding of how your inner body influences your outer body and how to cultivate your best self with easy to follow tips.

Distinctive Women

Key learnings:

  • Identify the 3 pillars to optimal wellness
  • Understand energy boosters vs. energy robbers
  • Preventative maintenance vs. crisis management for optimal body care